Bowling to Boobs

Insight into what we talk about at lunch. It's crazy stuff, really.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Why do cows lay down when it's about to rain?

This question is something we tried to Google, but no definitive answer was found. HELP! Does anyone know why?

Are they trying to keep a section of the field dry? Do they have joint problems that flare up during high humdity? We just don't know.

This question also reminded us of the time we had to call my sister to ask about cows. Cows by the way are females while males would be bulls. So much confusion!

Lunch today was a Quiznos. We'll give them a plug since they just opened. One complaint from the group though was that the writing on the menu is so small, it's hard to read. Was that turkey or chicken I had today...hmmmm.

Today, we had to swing by Sammy's house to see the new landscaping she and her family did. Very nice. too exciting today, but that's the way it goes on a drizzly Monday.

Until tomorrow.


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