Bowling to Boobs

Insight into what we talk about at lunch. It's crazy stuff, really.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Today we ventured out of town to our favorite Mexican restaurant.

At the restaurant it's always a treat to have the free chips and salsa while you wait for your meal. Well, Tina ordered cheese to dip the corn chips in and we thought Mille was going to have a spasm attack. She didn't know you could order cheese sauce for your chips. Sadly, while Millie LOVES cheese, it does not love her.

Now if Millie's excitment wasn't enough, Sammy took a dip of the cheese sauce and exclaimed, "I love this damn, friggin cheese sauce." Need we say more about the cheese sauce?

We are all adult women, but for some reason, food was flying everywhere today. Sammy was the first to notice that she got grease on her shirt, then noticed that her menu was spattered with the "damn, friggin cheese sauce."

As Millie grabbed her Tide To Go Stick for Sammy, she noticed that she, too had "goobered" on herself. Her's was the "damn, friggin cheese sauce." Apparently, cheese sauce doesn't love Millie in more ways than one. And, to Millie's dismay, the "damn, friggin cheese sauce" had landed on her boob (note that last week she had a similar boob problem).

If that's not enough, I then noticed salsa on my white shirt - in the boob area. Come on!

We should do a commercial for the Tide To Go Stick. We all used it and it worked wonders, especially on the "damn, friggin cheese sauce."

Another interesting converstaion ensued today on the word "luscious." Sammy hates that word, she thinks it sounds sexual. Hmmmm. You be the judge.

Okay another luscious blog is complete. Ole.


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